Notice of the Holding of an EGM

John McMorrow

An EGM will be held on Sunday 7th August starting at 12pm in Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2. The required number of signatures were sent to the ICU by Mervyn Honner.

The EGM will address one motion:

"The Irish Chess Union shall nullify the outcome of the recent selections for the Irish team captain and head of delegation positions for the 2016 Baku Olympiad, and shall re-open the availability of these positions with a duly posted notice on their website, with all the correct information, and criteria for applying with an invite for all previous, or new candidates to apply for these positions."

The relevant details on EGMs from the constitution are stated below:


8.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Union shall be convened by the Hon. Secretary at the request of the Chairman or on the written requisition of not less than 50 fully paid individual members of the Union. The requisition must state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the requisitionists and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more requisitionists.

8.2 An extraordinary General Meeting must be convened by the Hon. Secretary of the Union within 60 days of the receipt by him or her of the request or requisition mentioned above. At least three clear weeks notice of the date, time and venue of the meeting and of motions for consideration at that meeting shall be given.

8.3 The other rules of this Constitution applicable to general meetings shall also be applicable to Extraordinary General Meetings.


10.1 The affairs of the Union shall be managed by the Executive Committee which may exercise all powers of the Union which are not by these rules required to be exercised by the Union in general meeting subject to any directions being not inconsistent with this constitution as may be given by the Union in general meetings; but no such direction given by the Union in general meetings shall invalidate any prior act of the Executive Committee which would have been valid if that direction had not been given.

Created 2016-07-13 ◦ Last updated 2016-07-14 ◦ Editor JMM

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