LCU Cups 2016

John McMorrow

The following are summarised updates from the LCU official site:

LCU Cups 2016 (from 20-April-2016)

This year the LCU Cups will be held over the weekend of June 11/12 in the ALSAA. Teams in each cup will play a swiss format (2 rounds Saturday and 2 rounds Sunday), with rounds starting at 10am and 3pm (prize giving after round 4 on Sunday). Matches will be played over six boards in all competitions. The Branagan Cup will be FIDE rated.

The Branagan Cup is for players who have played in either division one or division two. The Killane Shield is open to players who have played in divisions 3 - 7. The William Brennan Cup is for players rated under 1500. Ratings will be based on the ICU live ratings after the LCU Leagues for 2015 - 2016 have been rated. Entries to be sent to Tristan Sheridan ([email protected]). The entry fee is €20 per team and should be sent to the LCU treasurer Gordon Freeman. The closing date for entries is Sunday June 5th.

Time control will be Fischer (90+30sec) in the Branagan and 1 hour 45 mins in the Killane and William Brennan. As the format is different this year, clubs/captains when submitting entries for the various cups, please include a team list.

Further update from (10-May-2016)

The LCU will provide equipment for the 2016 Cups. Given the numbers involved, it is likely that some of the larger clubs who enter multiple teams will be asked to provide one of their own teams equipment. We will know exactly what will be needed when we get closer to the date.

This will also allow Fischer time (90+30sec) to be used in the Branagan.

Created 2016-05-30 ◦ Last updated 2016-05-30 ◦ Editor JMM

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