More Twists And Turns As Pressure Increases In Round 7

Brutality on the chessboard might sum up some of the action in round seven of the 2015 Irish championships as more twists and turns were in evidence. The big clash on board one between top seed David Fitzsimons and Stephen Jessel tuned out to be a big disappointment as White simply blundered in a very complex and unclear position. The position was very rich in possibilities and contained winning chances for both sides.

However David got some ideas mixed up and blundered badly to allow a nice combination from Stephen which cleanly won a pawn and also destroyed the White set up and structure. The game did not last very long and was a fatal blow to the hopes of the top seed who has gone from leading the event to now having no chance for first place. Chess can indeed be a cruel game.

Meanwhile Stephen Jessel takes the lead jointly with Phillip Short who in a time scramble overcame Gerry Macelligott from a difficult position.

The real drama of the round was an epic encounter as Conor O Donnell basically played a great game against Stephen Brady, whom he had never played before, and had a winning position at various stages out of the opening and well into the endgame, but the multiple championship winner Stephen Brady dug deep and showed the sort of experience and tenacity that he is famed for. The sheer pressure and tension was palpable and captured on the faces and body language of both players. In the end a relived Stephen was smiling and happy with a draw while Conor was understandably crestfallen and a little shell shocked.

the end result of the various goings on and results is that Stephen Jessel (5.5) plays yours truly Colm Daly (4,5) in round eight and Phillip Short (5.5) plays Conor O Donell (4.5) While Stephen Brady (5) plays Gerry Macelligott (4) . The action starts at 14:00

See More Twists And Turns As Pressure Increases In Round 7 for latest updates and more details

Created 2015-07-11 ◦ Last updated 2015-07-11 ◦ Editor CD

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