Tournament Report now Available.
Information here is more up to date than the flyer, and has more detail regarding individual prizes.
Sat 1st, Sun 2nd, Mon 3rd June 2024
The Gym, St. Mary’s Parish Primary School, Bryanstown, Dublin Road, Drogheda, A92 XD80
See Google map | Drogheda Chess Club website | ICU events page
Prize fund
€3000+ subject to entry.
Time control
90 mins + 30 sec/move
FIDÉ rated
Round Times
Sat 1st June, R1: 10.00am, R2: 3.00pm
Sun 2nd June, R3: 10.00am, R4: 3.00pm
Mon 3rd June, R5: 10.00am, R6: 3.00pm
Prize giving shortly after last game finishes, around 7pm.
Default time 30 mins.
Playing Sections
Thompson Masters: Players with a rating over 1920 ICU or FIDE.
O’Boyle Championship: Players with a rating under 1960 and ≥ 1760 ICU or FIDE.
Fox Major: Players with a rating under 1800 and ≥ 1600 ICU or FIDE.
Murray Challengers: Players with a rating under 1640 ICU or FIDE, including unrated players.
If a player's ICU/FIDE rating cannot satisfy the above rules, their section is at the controller's discretion.
Live Boards
Top boards in all sections transmitted live, linked from the event page.
Entry fee
€50 before Thursday 30th May, €60 after that, €70 on the day if accepted.
Free entry for titled players (FM, IM, GM, WFM, WIM, WGM) who contact Frank as below, before 13th May, full fee after that.
€10 reduction for Under 18s in the Murray Challengers section only.
All entries on ICU event page. Players will be entered into the section appropriate to their FIDÉ (or ICU) rating taking their preference into consideration but rating ranges will be strictly enforced. Where a player has a FIDÉ and ICU rating, the higher rating will determine the section.
Pairings for round 1 will be published there before 6pm on Fri 31st May. Late entries will be paired with each other or with anyone who gets an unrequested bye.
Rating bands strictly enforced. Irish residents must be registered with the ICU.
Flyer last updated 10/01/2024. Any changes since then see event page.
Chief Organiser: Frank Pentony, 087 7987947, , Drogheda Chess Club website
Chief Arbiter: Henry Williams,
[email protected]
Boyne Valley Hotel, 041 9837737
Glenside Hotel, 041 9829185
Scholars Townhouse, 041 9835410
City North Hotel, 01 6906666
Windsor Lodge, North Road, Drogheda 041 9841966
Aaron Vale, 85 Ashfield Green, North Rd, Drogheda 041 9839210
Roseville Lodge, Georges Street, Drogheda, 041 9834046
Reddans, Bettystown 041 9827412
Other suggestions:
Travel times for Commuters
From Dublin City Centre 46 min by car, 35 – 65 min by bus or train.
From M50 28 min by car
Provisional Breakdown of Prizemoney
Current Prize fund € 3060, subject to entry.
Grading Prizes (GP) will be awarded in each section for players within certain rating bands who do not win another prize. Rating bands will be published on 3 Jun. Where a player has no FIDÉ rating, a national rating will be used.
Prize money will be sent electronically to prize winners who should contact Frank with their IBAN and BIC or fill in the form provided. Those who do not have bank accounts should contact Frank.
The following is an provisional breakdown of the prizemoney (based on the 2023 Congress as seen here). This can change subject to entries.
Thomson Masters total prizes: € 1020
1st € 500
2nd € 300
3rd € 170
GP € 50
O’Boyle Championship total prizes: € 900
1st € 400
2nd € 250
3rd € 150
GP € 50
GP € 50
Fox Major total prizes: € 650
1st € 300
2nd € 150
3rd € 100
GP € 50
GP € 50
Murray Challengers total prizes: € 490
1st € 200
2nd € 100
3rd € 70
GP € 40
GP € 40
GP € 40
Playing Conditions
Expect airy, spacious and pleasant playing conditions with some professional touches. These include name cards on all boards, board numbers with sponsors listed.
Shops and restaurants, including an excellent Deli, are a 5 minute walk from the playing hall.
Past Members
Andrew Thompson (1929 - 2021, left) was a strong player who instigated and ran the Wexford congress from 1971 until 1998 before transforming it into the Drogheda Congress in 1999. Andrew was a keen correspondence chess player in his day and regularly had 5 or 6 games running simultaneously. He was a former president of Drogheda Chess Club.
Enda O'Boyle (1926-2007, right) started the Drogheda Schools Chess League in 1994 which is still a big part of chess in the North East. A primary school teacher by profession, he introduced a Primary Schools Chess League in 2004 which has grown successfully ever since. Enda was a chief organizer of the Drogheda club for years and a welcoming face to all visitors and new players.
Donnie Fox (1923-2005, left) lived up to his name as a player, employing every ruse to entrap his opponents. A keen strategist and league player, he was president of Drogheda Chess Club on many occasions.
Jimmy Murray (died 1980s/90s, right) was a founder member of Drogheda Chess Club in 1947. He enjoyed his chess so much that he used to whistle during his games in the club. He was a keen league player and former treasurer of the Club.
Overall we hope to provide a pleasant atmosphere in which to enjoy your chess. Players will be asked to contribute to this. Speak to the arbiter if in doubt.
While quiet is expected in the playing hall, players will be allowed to spectate quietly after they finish playing.
FIDÉ rules apply but we would like to explain some of them here. If you need something explained or feel your opponent may be breaking a rule please do not hesitate to stop your clock and raise your hand to call an arbiter.
Electronic devices are not permitted in the playing hall, corridor, toilets or outdoor smoking area. An exception is if they are left near the controller's desk, switched off, not on silent. Players and parents may use them in the analysis room, where sets are provided. Electronic devices include anything that may make a noise or vibrate including watches, alarms.
The organizers have the right to refuse any entry without giving a reason.
A player may receive up to two half point byes, except in the last round, provided a request is made before pairings are done. Players should ensure that a bye request was written down and may check that one has been registered on chess-results by choosing the "unpaired" link after the latest round.
A player who receives a 1 point bye due to an odd number should still turn up as they may be offered a game against a late entrant or another player whose opponent failed to show within 30 mins. They may refuse, but if they wish to play they should turn up as they are likely to be offered a game. These games will count and will be rated unless agreed otherwise.
Before games
Before each game bring your name card with you to your board from the name cards on the table at the end of each section. At the end leave them at the board. Be seated early to hear any important announcements.
During games
With a 30 second increment players are required to record their moves to the end of their game, and keep their scoresheet up to date.
After games
At the end of your game please reset the pieces and place the two kings in the centre of the board. If white won place both on white squares. If black one place both on black squares. If the game was drawn place them on e4 and e5. On electronic boards place the kings in the centre immediately, before moving other pieces, so that the result is registered. Do not analyse at the board, but in the analysis room, where sets are provided. Please set these sets up after use.
In every case please write the result on the pairings sheet on the wall or noticeboard. If your opponent fails to show 30 mins after the round started call the arbiter to claim a win by default (a walkover), then mark in + - or - + on the pairings sheet rather than 1-0 or 0-1.
Chief Organiser: Frank Pentony and the Drogheda Chess Club organising committee.
Chief Arbiter: Henry Williams